E-911 Stakeholders' Council Meeting Agenda
E911 Stakeholder Council Meeting
May 9, 2006
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Working AGENDA
I. Welcome & Introductions (Sheri Farinha-Mutti, Chair)
II. Expectations from Consumers for E911 (Claude Stout, Executive Director, TDI )
III. Where are we now? Updates:
A. Laws & Regulations for 911 Access (Cheryl King, CGB, FCC)
B. Summary of IP relay and 9-1-1 proceeding comments
(Karen Peltz Strauss, Esq.)
C. Recommendations made to NRIC (Judy Harkins, PhD)
D. PSAP operations update (PSAP/NENA Representatives)
E. DOT initiative - (Jenny Hansen, Director, DOT)
12:20 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Lunch break
1:00 p.m. Solutions Needed by October 2006
A. Identifying the Gaps: (ALL)
o Reverse " 9-1-1" - Emergency Notification Systems
o Relay services - VRS & IP
o Direct text - what are realistic options?
o Consumer education
B. Other Avenues
2:30 PM: Brief Break
2:45 PM: Action Items (ALL)
5:00 p.m. Adjournment
The E911 Stakeholder Council is sponsored by Telecommunications for the Deaf& Hard of Hearing, Inc.
Financial support for today's meeting was made possible by the following companies: Hamilton
Telecommunications, HOVRS, Sorenson, RIM, GoAmerica, and Ultratec. Technology Access Program, Gallaudet
University provided key technical and logistical support.
This page last updated:May 23, 2006
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