Radio for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing:
An Idea Whose Technology is Arriving
Mike Starling
Vice President, Chief Technology Officer
National Public Radio
All telecommunications are migrating to digital
transmissions. Radio broadcasting, the
original wireless medium, is no exception.
Although radio is the last electronic mass medium to
be making the conversion to digital transmission,
the conversion is well underway with HD Radio1 signals on-the-air in virtually every major
market in the United States.
HD Radio, the only digital radio broadcast system
being deployed in America, introduces a flexible
service model supporting the expansion and
improvement of radio's public service offerings.
Multiple program channels from a single radio
station, improved sound quality matching CD audio
quality, and the addition of text, time-shifting,
and targeted content are existing or emerging
features of the growing number of HD Radio stations.
Over 500 radio stations are currently
broadcasting in HD Radio, including over 100 public
radio stations. Over half of the CPB-qualified
stations have been awarded HD Radio conversion
grants by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
According to current estimates, by 2010, all 825
public radio stations should be broadcasting
National Public Radio has been leading the
development of new digital radio services within the
HD Radio system.2 Additionally,
NPR has a four-decades-old commitment to provide all
Americans with in-depth news and entertainment
programming. Each weekday, NPR produces America's
most listened to morning radio news broadcast,
Morning Edition, as well as the flagship afternoon
news broadcast, All Things Considered. NPR's weekly
audience exceeds 26 million listeners, delivered
through a broadcast network of over 800 stations
reaching 99% of the American population. NPR member
stations are located in every state as well as
Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the
Marianas. News is the hallmark of NPR's broadcast
offerings, with NPR News having won hundreds of
awards including every major broadcast journalism
Yet NPR broadcasts are only accessible to the
deaf and severely-impaired hard of hearing,
typically 2-3 days later, after transcript accuracy
checking and processing. In striving for the
laudable goal of "full national coverage", we have
recently asked ourselves whether new digital
technologies might improve "access" limitations
beyond the traditional measure of signal coverage.
Public Radio Services During Emergencies
Broadcast radio serves as a lifeline of
communications during times of emergencies,
especially when the power grid is down. FEMA
routinely advises the public to make sure they have
radios with batteries on hand when major storms
approach. Many, if not most radio stations have
backup generators at studios and transmitters, and
many also maintain dedicated links to local
Emergency Operations Centers. But emergencies, of
course, don't always occur during the convenience of
the regular business day and it has been widely
reported that many radio stations have been unable
to respond immediately when operating unattended,
typically during overnights and weekends.
In recent years, NPR has strengthened the role of
public radio to function well during times of
emergency. Following the 9-11 attacks, NPR
established the National Emergency Transmission
(NET) system which provides a secure means for
unattended local public radio stations to join the
network news feed whenever a "Level 4 or Level 5"
news emergency is reached. A level 4 or 5 news
emergency triggers continuous breaking news coverage
by NPR. This system has been activated on several
occasions, including during the commencement of the
Iraq war and upon the death of President Reagan.
The nation's Primary Entry Point system (PEP) is
the backbone of the Emergency Alerting System,
established subsequent to President Truman's
creation of the CONELRAD system in 1951. 34 Primary
Entry Point AM broadcast stations were designated
early on by FEMA to carry presidential messages in
times of national emergencies. The PEP stations are
provided with hardened facilities and secure
telephone links from FEMA. NPR, on a voluntary
public service basis, continuously monitors the PEP
system and passes all national messages directly to
the over 800 stations that receive programming
through the Public Radio Satellite System. The NPR
system is tested weekly and staffed 7/24.
Digital Radio: Ten Short Steps to Accessible
Emergency Broadcast Radio Success
NPR has recently established the only non-profit,
public service broadcast radio research and
development center in the nation NPR Labs. NPR Labs
has been recognized for furthering the development
of new digital public services, including testing
the ability to add new dedicated digital channels
for radio reading services for the visually impaired
and print handicapped. NPR Labs' work on the
coverage and quality of the new digital radio
services has defined the current state of the art
and NPR and its staff have been recognized with
several industry awards for these activities.
Starting in Minneapolis in 1969, radio reading
services for the blind began operating using analog
FM subcarriers across the nation to read current
books, newspapers, and magazines to those with print
handicaps. Today over 100 reading services are in
continuous operation and several reading service
programs are distributed for use on other reading
services through the Public Radio Satellite System.
Congress has established a copyright exemption for
the reading of such information to the print
handicapped. It is estimated that nearly a million
FM subcarrier radios have been distributed to users
in the ensuing years. It is hoped that upgrading of
these limited quality analog audio services will be
accomplished in the new HD Radio system. With
provisioning for conditional access to preserve
copyright exemptions, radio reading services may
soon be available on mainstream receivers displaying
an accessibility logo. Access compliance
specifications, including voice commands and audible
beeps for easiest operation of the new digital
radios are currently being defined.
In partnership with the International Association
for Audio Information Services (IAAIS), NPR has
proposed building on the capabilities of digital
radio by demonstrating a system for maintaining
non-intrusive immediacy in providing live
Descriptive Video Services during times of
emergencies. The system would, for the first time,
couple the ability to "pause" live broadcasts, with
"catch-up" technology which removes spaces in
program material to chase back to "live" broadcast
time. Radio reading services have longstanding
experience synchronizing descriptive broadcasts with
live video events.
See Figure 1, below.

Figure 1 A trained "live" video describer
narrates to televised coverage of the emergency,
pausing audio coverage to insert brief descriptive
annotations, while continuously monitoring a
"seconds delayed" buffer status indicator, staying
within guidelines based on the urgency of any
evacuation or shelter in place warnings being
issued. The catch-up buffer continuously chases back
to real time by removing spaces between words. In
situations where substantial descriptive annotations
are required the catch up audio system seamlessly
shifts to "double speed, half-pitch" to maintain
intelligibility while quickly returning to within
"no more than" live-delta temporal guidelines.
By monitoring a buffer status indicator the video
describer can instantly track the delay behind
realtime that is feeding the radio reading services,
and maintain temporal proximity within guidelines
established for the type of emergency underway. When
substantial description must be added exceeding the
established delay tolerance, double- speed,
half-pitch technology can be triggered on the
descriptive audio inserts, maintaining
intelligibility and aiding quickly returning to near
"live proximity".
Eventually, location sensitive information should
be capable of being delivered by means of evolving
gps polygon captures at EOC headquarters. "Immediate
vicinity" feeds could be activated for receivers
located in sensitive areas to expedite specific
evacuation or "shelter in place" messaging to all
affected constituencies. Such provisions could add
targeted area delivery channels automatically, even
during unattended hours, by use of a Multichannel
Automation Control System (MACSYS) responsive to
targeted area message coding in the Common Alerting
Protocol format.
It is important to stress that these service
enhancements will not be immediately available, nor
initially available on long-life battery-operated
digital radios. Market entry for digital radio is
occurring with relatively high consumption digital
chipsets not currently suited to long life battery
operation. Next generation chipsets, notably the
Texas Instruments DaVinci initiative, will improve
receiver suitability for battery operation. Such
improvements in battery life will likely require two
or more years to reach the marketplace.
For the first time, captioning of radio
broadcasts for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is at
hand with the flexible bandwidth provisioning of HD
Radio through the Advanced Applications Services (AAS)
data transport. Thanks to the work of the National
Center for Accessible Media, and others, live
captioning is a concept that no longer requires
explanation. Scores of live captioners earn their
livelihoods captioning programs across the country.
And beginning in 2006 captioning will be required on
all daytime TV broadcasts. Although the Radio
Broadcast Data System (RBDS) has been considered as
a possible platform for live captioning, NPR's tests
indicate there is insufficient code group throughput
to achieve continuous captioning. Moreover, we have
been unable to identify any RBDS receivers
supporting multi-line displays or variable font
All that is lacking for radio to display
captioned broadcasts are:
- a fast text channel (FTC) to carry
- a suitable sized display screen
- the ability for users to select
font size, contrast and backlighting, as well as
- a buffer for controlling the
scrolling speed
- a designated data burst to signal
an emergency alert
- strobe and bed shaker support for
the deaf and hard of hearing
- Live captioning providers on 7/24
- validated design requirements
- manufacturing partners
- funding partner(s)
Most of the technical underpinnings for the
captioning displays are available through receiver
partners identified by NPR. Moreover, iBiquity
Digital, the intellectual property owners of HD
Radio have pledged their support to activate a "Fast
Text Channel" for carrying live captioning through
the HD Radio transport within the AAS datachannel as
well as a burst data protocol designated to act as
an alert notification trigger.
iBiquity has already developed supplemental audio
channels for activation of voice grade service
channels for radio reading services and conditional
access support is under active development to
maintain copyright exemption for these broadcasts.
Only sonalert support and Live-DVS-trained
describers would be needed for parallel emergency
service access for the visually impaired. A
visually-impaired, accessibility-compliant Emergency
HD Radio would include a loud sonalert, as well as
reception of the selectively addressed descriptive
audio feed.
For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, a compliant
Emergency HD Radio would support a bed-shaker
connection, as well as strobe activation upon
receipt of an alert. These ancillary devices can be
readily triggered by connection to the receiver's
output relays when an emergency alert is received.
Useful Emergency HD Radios will provide good
battery life (at least one day on a set of fresh
batteries) in addition to a "wind-up" generator in
cases when an extended emergency required affected
persons to remain in their homes.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, designated
content providers would need to assume or share 7/24
responsibilities to immediately activate captioning
and described video services as needed.
Although integration of these technologies and
operating processes are non-trivial, there appear to
be no fundamental obstacles in meeting the needs
described. Most requirements are readily met or are
under active development. Subsequent to a successful
demonstration, if elements of the described approach
are deemed useful, user communities could gauge
manufacturing readiness to produce compliant
products by issuance of a Request for Information or
Request for Proposal (if orders are ready to be
placed). It is the author's belief initial consumer
deployment could be possible within 24 months.
All it takes to do it, is doing it.
AAS Advanced Applications Services the data
gateway within the HD Radio system
CAP Common Alerting Protocol an extensible format
for emergency messages
DVS- Descriptive Video Services
EOC Emergency Operations Center
ERS- Emergency Radio Service
FTC Fast Text Channel
HD Radio the digital radio system for the U.S.
created by iBiquity Digital Corporation
IAAIS International Association of Audio
Information Services
NPR National Public Radio
PEP Primary Entry Point system
RFI & RFP Request for Information and Request for
Mike Starling is Vice President and Chief
Technology Officer for NPR, and Executive Director
of NPR Labs. In the 1970's Starling founded, built
and managed both commercial and noncommercial
stations in Virginia. He spent the 1980's as chief
engineer for NPR Member Station KPBS-FM in San
Diego. Mike's undergraduate work was in broadcast
journalism and radio-TV at the University of
Maryland. Mike is a board member of the North
American Broadcasters Association, the Richardson
Maritime Museum in Cambridge, and a past Board
member of the International Association of Audio
Information Services. He has consulted for radio
stations across the United States and Southern
Africa and has been a U.S. delegate to the ITU. Mike
joined NPR in 1989 as senior engineer, was named
director of engineering in 1991 and a vice president
in 1998. He is the 2004 recipient of the IAAIS's C.
Stanley Potter Award for his work on making radio
reading services accessible in digital radio and was
recently named Radio World's "Engineer of the Year"
for 2005, for his work on digital radio
multicasting. Starling is also a lawyer, being a
member of the California and DC bars.
Contact information:
1 HD Radio is a
service and trademark of iBiquity Digital, Inc.,
Columbia, Maryland, the developer of digital radio
In Band On Channel technology for AM and FM radio
broadcast stations.
Tomorrow Radio Project, an NPR technology initiative
launched in 2003, has been the genesis for the
demonstration, validation and rapid adoption of
multicasting technology. Multicasting permits more
than doubling the number of near CD quality program
services of America's FM broadcasters in the HD
Radio system.
in the late 1970's the San Diego Radio Information
Service provided described broadcasts synchronized
with the annual Rose Parade broadcast on CBS
television. Blind consumers in reading service areas
could enjoy the broadcast along with sighted family
members by turning the TV sound down and turning up
the local radio reading service carrying the
described feed.
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