Jane K.
Chair, Crisis Management Team
Gallaudet University
Good morning,
We at
Gallaudet University are very pleased to have you on our
campus. For many of you, this may be your first time at
Gallaudet, and we want to extend a special welcome to you.
People are
attending this conference from across the United States, and
from as far away as Japan. You have come together to learn
and share experiences. You in the audience represent a
variety of constituencies including consumer groups; state
commissions dealing with disability, or state commissions
dealing with deaf and hard of hearing individuals;
professionals in public safety communications; federal
government; broadcasting companies, the telecommunications
industry, and also industry trade associations. You
represent a range and breadth of experience and expertise,
and I am pleased that you have come to Gallaudet to discuss
improvements in the response during emergencies for people
with disabilities.
conference is being hosted by the Rehabilitation Engineering
Research Center on Telecommunications Access, a project
supported by the National Institute on Disability and
Rehabilitation Research, or NIDRR. We are now in the 10th
year of collaboration between Gallaudet's Technology Access
Program and the University of Wisconsin's Trace Center on
this project. We here at Gallaudet appreciate the support
of NIDRR for this important work.
Judy just
mentioned that I am the Provost as well as the chair of the
Crisis Management Team for Gallaudet University. The Crisis
Management Team ranks, I would say, really among the most
important work that I do. We know that emergencies do
happen, and that, if we are prepared, we can handle them
better. The Crisis Management Team meets on a monthly
basis, whether there is an existing emergency or not. We
discuss situations, we deliberate in terms of ideas for
different crisis situations; and we generate or brainstorm
different crisis scenarios, and we're always preparing for
what could happen, and how we will deal with it.
afternoon Carl Pramuk, who is Dean of Student Affairs, will
give a presentation about some things that we have faced
here at Gallaudet University. We've been through a lot, and
Judy mentioned a few things. Really, the list goes on and
on in terms of emergencies -- things that we have faced and
could face in the future.
We face
situations as other people have faced them in the United
States but the challenge is greater at Gallaudet because our
community includes people who are deaf, hard of hearing and
deaf-blind. It is our responsibility to communicate quickly
and effectively with them during emergencies.
For example,
during 9/11, it was a shock here to those of us on
Gallaudet's campus as it was throughout the D.C. area. We
had the added responsibility to communicate clearly with
students, faculty, and staff about how we were handling the
situation and what our response was to that emergency.
After 9/11 came the anthrax scare, followed by the sniper
attacks in the D.C. area; the Crisis Management Team worked
throughout those various crises.
The biggest
crisis that some of you do remember was approximately five
years ago when two students were murdered here on campus.
Six to eight months went by during which we did not know who
the perpetrator of those crimes was. The Crisis Management
Team had to deal with ongoing fear and assumptions of who
might have committed the crimes. We could not call a
cancellation of the emergency. We were in a state of
emergency that lasted six to eight months until the
perpetrator was arrested.
The students
were scared. The faculty and staff were scared. Parents
were scared. Our response was to use every possible avenue
of communication to keep everyone informed. We understand
that communication is the key. Even if we don't know
everything that’s going on, we communicate as much as know.
We communicate the facts about the situation. We want to be
clear what we expect people to do, how we can assist them,
and how they can assist us through the emergency.
During 9/11,
the anthrax scare, the sniper period, and a host of other
things that were happening, there were some deaf people who
worked in different federal government agencies and who
contacted me here and asked if Gallaudet would allow them to
come on campus during an emergency, during a crisis. They
didn't want to stay within their own government agencies.
We were shocked that these workers wanted to come to
Gallaudet. We thought that it might be dangerous for them
to leave their offices and travel to Gallaudet. We tried to
explain that to them but they wanted to come here to
Gallaudet University because there would be communication.
A lone deaf person in a government agency, or a deaf-blind
person, or a hard-of-hearing person would likely receive
little or no information and what was actually happening
around them would be left to their own imagination. Thus
they would prefer to come here to Gallaudet University where
communication would happen. Communication is critical for
people who are deaf and it probably just as critical for all
people. It is key, especially during an emergency.
While we try
to communicate in the best way possible, I acknowledge that
it's never perfect. We saw this during Hurricane Katrina
and Hurricane Rita. Deaf people, hard of hearing people,
deaf-blind people, and people with speech disabilities were
left out. That's the only way to say it. They were
completely left out.
Diane Morton
will speak to you tomorrow afternoon about some of
Gallaudet's work after the hurricanes. Some Gallaudet
people went to the region to help people, and witnessed a
really bad system of communication in relating to the needs
of deaf and hard of hearing people, deaf-blind people, and
people with speech disabilities. Even though they had a
system in place, it didn't work.
So I urge you
to come together and seriously deliberate about how we can
make things better. We have to really focus and make a
commitment to do this. It is exciting that you've come to
discuss new ideas, new systems, new technologies, and those
things that might be developed in the future.
When people
like you come together, there is often synergy of thought,
and new methods or approaches are born. That's what this
conference is about, and I hope that you will be able to
develop a deep commitment to improve communication for all
people during any emergency.
I would like
to close by presenting you with a particular challenge we
have at Gallaudet. Our dorms are full of deaf and hard of
hearing students, as well as deaf-blind students, and
they're there all night, of course. Suppose something
happens in the middle of the night and there is an
emergency, a biological attack or a chemical weapon is
dropped in D.C. during the middle of the night. The
University needs to let the students know and communicate
with those in the dorm as to what they should do. We don't
want them to come out of the dorms. We want them to stay in
the dorms. We do have a system in place for what to do in
terms of whether to go to the highest point or the lowest
point in the building. We have food, we have water, we have
a system ready and in place. But the question is, how do we
inform the students? It's a big issue. We have fire alarms
in the buildings, but that communicates that you have to
exit the building. So we can't use the fire alarm. How do
we tell them that we want them to stay in the building, but
to go to the highest point, or the lowest point? Carl
Pramuk will explain more about this issue later today in his
Again, we
welcome you, and we welcome your ideas about how to solve
the issue I described as well as other communication
challenges we face. Best wishes for a productive and
enjoyable conference
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