Location Based Wireless Alerting
Gary Jones
Director of Standards Policy
Once in awhile people ask me what I do as the head
of standards. And I've developed this very simple
explanation: I go all over the world and sit in a
room for a week with 100 people and argue!
But eventually we come up with standards on the way
telecommunications equipment will be built. We've
heard in this morning’s panels about communications
that were designed to be two-way communications
between the public and government.
I would like to talk to you about communications
that are one-way communications from the government
to the public. We've heard from Marty Bongers (FEMA)
that the Emergency Alert System (EAS) exists today.
You've probably seen the EAS messages scrolling
across your television screen, or heard the tone on
the radio that says, "This is a test of the
emergency broadcasting system." As Marty said, it's
never been used by the president, but it exists
today. What the government is trying to do is find
ways to enlarge the capability of EAS, to give
alerts to as many people as possible in as short a
time as possible.
So I am going to tell you a little bit about what's
happening in at least my part of the wireless
industry today. T-Mobile is one of the nationwide
wireless communications providers. However, I'm
going to talk about an effort that's much larger
than just T-Mobile.
T-Mobile use a wireless technology called GSM, as do
many other carriers. T-Mobile belongs to a group
called 3G Americas. That's an organization that
unites GSM mobile operators and manufacturers in
North, Central, and South America to have one voice
to represent the families of GSM technologies.
Because the topic of emergency alert effects all
wireless carriers, it was deemed appropriate that 3G
Americas look at this, at least for the GSM
technology. So 3G Americas has been exploring the
policy issues that must be considered, as well as
near and far-term technical capabilities that are
proposed by the cellular wireless emergency alert as
a component for an effective multi-technology
Wireless technologies can only be one portion of the
overall emergency alert system. So today I will
talk about what we've been doing in at least the GSM
part of the wireless world. One of the policy
considerations is that cellular can only be just one
of the tools for EAS. Any regulation concerning EAS
needs to look at the entire issue from all options
that would be available for all alerting. There are
a lot of policy questions that need to be
addressed. Marty touched on a few of these.
· Who initiates the alert?
· Who has the authority to initiate an alert?
· What kind of incident would trigger an alert?
· What should the alert say? And how should it be
· Can it be done just in text?
· Can it be done as text and a voice message?
· Can it be done with a multimedia message, perhaps a
map or a graphic?
· What should the geographic scope of the alert be?
· What is the expectation of service?
· And what are the performance criteria for the
delivery alerts?
There are also liability concerns that need to be
addressed. What happens if an alert is not
delivered? Is there liability protection for that?
All of these things need to be addressed before we
can have an effective nationwide emergency alert
system. Legislation and regulation will need to
expressly address the cost recovery mechanisms for
this because it's not cheap. This has to be a
win-win-win solution for government, the public, and
the industry.
One of the first things that we did was look at
requirements. The particular challenge for the
cellular wireless industry is that there is a
considerable void of requirements and no specific
priority for EAS in the cellular wireless
environment. Now, you can look at it two ways. The
bad news is that there are no requirements. The
good news is that there are no requirements. So
it's an open field for us to create those
requirements -- including requirements from
government and requirements from the disabled
3G Americas evaluated existing Canadian and U.S.
requirements on broadcast and cable television
operators because there were requirements
listed for those two industries. 3G Americas looked
at perceived guideline principles for all alert
services and tried to relate them to the cellular
wireless environment.
The general service requirements agreed upon by the
cellular industry need to have government input. We
need their cooperation and their communication with
us to develop these requirements. We took these
perceived guidelines -- and these came from a number
of different entities, one being the Partnership for
Public Warning -- and the existing requirements on
broadcasters and cable operators. We tried to put
some meat around those. Some of the issues were:
· Should this be an opt-in, or opt-out service?
· What kinds of user alerts are appropriate?
· Should it be a special kind of alert on your
§ A special ring?
§ A special vibration?
§ A flashing light?
· What level of timeliness is required for the alert?
· What geographic location should it cover?
· Should it be architecturally scaleable?
· Can we start small and grow larger?
· What are the message levels?
· What is the prioritization of those messages?
· What languages needed to be supported?
· Should the user be able to change languages in his
receiving device?
· How do you deal with roamers so that a roamer gets a
targeted local message where he is instead of where
he lives?
· What type of message would be appropriate?
· And, of course, accessibility. That's where you
folks come in.
3G Americas looked initially at nine different
technology enablers, and looked for the challenges
of supporting EAS in our wireless environment.
Those included things like:
· short message service (SMS)
· multimedia messaging service (MMS) which is like SMS
but able to deliver multimedia messages.
· EAS telephone auto-dialers (that we'll hear about
from our next speaker).
· Enhanced short message service, that is, messaging
associated with location capability.
· Messaging associated with a time stamp.
· Cell broadcast service.
· IP multimedia services: We heard a lot about the
challenges with moving to all IP this morning.
· Multimedia broadcast and multicast service: Think
about that as a cell broadcast on steroids, able to
do a lot more than just deliver a text message.
· Incorporating the NOAA Weather Radio in a mobile
handset: This would be an out-of-band broadcast,
that is, an additional radio in the handset that
would receive signals out of our traditional
cellular or PCS band, but would be used to deliver
the message.
We initially looked at the nine I just mentioned.
We've now added to the mix two others. E-mail
alerts and incorporating an FM radio into the
wireless device.
We've looked at
these nine possible technical solutions, and weighed
them against the evaluation criteria. What was the
performance in meeting the perceived requirements
and the perceived guidelines?
· How did
they match up against the requirements as we knew
them for the cable and broadcast industry and the
perceived guidelines?
· What would
be the time frame for deploying them in our
network? Was it a short-term fix? Could it be done
easily? Or was it a more long-term issue?
· How big of
an impact did it have on our network?
· Handset
and device impacts? We're constantly, in the
wireless industry, making handsets that are smaller,
thinner, lighter.
o How would
incorporating EAS impact the form factor of the
o The
position of the antennas?
o The
battery life?
o How does
it impact legacy handsets?
o Would
there have to be a migration of new handsets into
the marketplace to facilitate this?
When we look at the future solutions like MMS, or
enhanced SMS with location capabilities, the
handsets of today don't have that capability built
into them. And to take advantage of that new
capability would require a new handset.
All of these things are being considered.
Carrier network performance impact is a big issue
for us. We're constantly trying to make our
networks more resilient, able to recover from
outages, redundancy. How would an emergency alert
impact not only the delivery of the message, but
once the message is out as the questioner asked a
minute ago, how would it impact our network when
people immediately pick up their phone and start
trying to call their loved ones?
And complexity. Complexity in our world is a
euphemism for cost. How much would it cost? The
more complex something is, we've found, the more it
What have we found? Our evaluation did not reveal
any particular technical solution that would enable
the wireless carrier to satisfy all of the perceived
cellular requirements. No solution could meet all
of the guiding principles. In other words, there
was no silver bullet. There was no one thing that
we could do, one capability that we could add to our
system that would satisfy all types of requirements,
from the president announcing a worldwide situation,
down to a traffic accident on a freeway.
Generally all of the future solutions come at a
substantial cost to the carrier and would require a
new handset. Now, the good news is that gives us
the opportunity to develop and design new handsets
that could have capabilities for not only the
mainstream but for the disabled community. Most of
the solutions included technical complexities that
had substantial impact to our networks: Impact on
capacity, impact on time for delivery, and those all
have to be considered.
Additional details are needed. We needed to do a
more in-depth study. So that's what we're doing
now. That's what 3G Americas is doing now.
Some findings: The U.S. Government and the cellular
industry really need to work closely together to
come to the best solution incorporating the best
technical solutions to meet the EAS requirements,
and those really need to be determined by, in our
opinion, a joint industry-government group.
All of the communication options should be duly
considered. We've thrown nothing out. We've
considered all of the options at this point. We
need additional technical and deployment
information, and a specific modeling of the nine
technologies compared to the types of alerts that we
We want everyone to remember that the wireless
communications is only one part of the puzzle. We
can't solve the problem alone. We're going to be
part of the system that Marty described that would
involve radio stations, TV stations, satellite,
cable, satellite radio. We'll all be part of the
Our message to the public and the government is a
partnership between industry and government is
needed for the best possible solutions. We're very
much interested in a win-win-win approach so that
the government, the public, and the industry come
out with a solution that is not -- does not cause
hardship to any of the entities but furnishes a
solution to all.
Requirements prioritization is needed for the
wireless industry to be able to fully evaluate
in-depth the various technical solutions. So we
need the requirements. We need to understand the
requirements of government and we need to understand
the requirements of the disabled community.
We very much like the model that we used for
Wireless Priority Service (WPS). The Wireless
Priority Service was developed and is designed to
give selected government officials priority access
to our network in times of emergency. The
government wanted the ability for selected
individuals -- and those individuals have to apply
for and be approved for WPS service -- in an
emergency situation when the network is congested to
get priority for a radio (cellular) channel when all
of the channels are in service. It does not give
them exclusive rights to our systems. In fact, in
the most congested conditions, it only gives them
the ability to access 25% of our capability. So the
other 75% is reserved for the public to make their
calls. So it is designed to give priority service,
but it does preserve the ability for the public to
make calls on our network. (We're very sensitive to
the government taking over our stuff!)
To plan this, the government and the industry came
together, looked at requirements from all aspects,
created a solution and deployed the solution in a
very short period of time. So we would very much
like to talk about that model.
I’d like to mention a couple of things that have
happened very recently. Both in the House and the
Senate are working on emergency alert bills.
Neither of these bills has hit the floor yet, as far
as we know. The bills are similar, and they do
propose a joint industry government working group to
develop the requirements, the implementation
guidelines, and possible deployment funding. Also
the FCC announced that they've added the emergency
alert item to their agenda for today's meeting.
They announced a first report and order, and a
further proposed rule making on EAS, and they plan
to consider -- and that's what the notice of
proposed rule making is -- they're considering
expanding EAS to mobile phones and other wireless
devices. And they're asking for our input. (Link to First Report and Order and Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking: In the Matter of Review of the
Emergency Alert System.)
In closing, here on my slide is the most familiar
person at T-Mobile: Catherine Zeta Jones.
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