Video Relay Service Technology and
9-1-1 Calls
Michael Maddix
Product Manager, Sorenson
I feel like I am really putting a lot of pieces
together that we have heard about this morning.
There have been some great presentations that talk
about a lot of the issues that I am going to discuss
today relating to how VRS providers are attempting
to resolve some of the obstacles facing providing
911 services.
What is VRS?
In my discussions during this conference, I have
learned that there are many of you who may not be
very familiar with exactly what a video relay
service (VRS) call is. If you just want to take a
minute to look at the slide, I will explain it.
This represents a Deaf person who has a videophone
establishing a connection to a video relay center.
The Deaf person is able to communicate in their
natural language which is American Sign Language or
ASL, and then the interpreter in turn calls the
hearing person that they would like to speak with,
or communicate with, and relays the conversation to
When that person responds, the interpreter then
responds using ASL through the videophone
connections that are established, and relays the
communication back and forth between the parties
Some important things about VRS that are worth
noting is that it does allow the Deaf consumer to
communicate in their native language, ASL. It has
become the preferred telecommunications method for
the Deaf community. It is a relatively new
technology, but it is maturing rapidly, and it is
quickly gaining additional features and truly much
of the Deaf community recognizes it as providing the
closest thing to functional equivalency in telephone
VRS and 9-1-1: Obstacles
As Greg Hlibok mentioned earlier today, the FCC has
waived requirements to provide 9-1-1 services
because of the technical obstacles in providing this
service. To address the technical issues involved
in providing 9-1-1 service, I am going to use a
cliché from the real estate world. I recently sold
my house, and I sold it “by owner.” One of the
things I touted in selling my house was location,
location, location. It was close to schools, close
to parks, and in a great neighborhood. That is
something that real estate always talks about:
location, location, location. But today I need to
talk a little bit about location, location, and
location as it relates to providing video relay
service to 9-1-1.
The first obstacle with location is determining the
location of the caller. We have heard some of the
people speaking this morning talk a little bit about
that already and I am going to get into that in a
further slide.
The second problem with location is determining the
location of the correct public service answering
point, or PSAP, to send the call to. I think that
we have probably heard this term PSAP enough today,
but it is important to understand that it is
actually the facility that receives the 9-11 call
and ultimately dispatches the emergency responder to
The third problem with location is being able to
pass the location of the actual relay caller to the
PSAP in the format that they are accustomed to
receiving it, so that they can respond to you in a
more effective and efficient manner. With the
traditional telephone system that is used with TTY,
there is location information that is passed through
the telephone system. We have heard these acronyms
earlier today. The first one being the Automatic
Location Identification, or ALI. This is a display
that the PSAP receives with the caller's telephone
number, their address and location, and other
supplementary information that they can use in
helping you in an emergency situation.
The second piece of information that is packaged
with traditional telephone service is the Automatic
Number Identification, or ANI. And this simply is
the phone number that you are calling from. These
pieces of information are vital to the PSAP in being
able to route the call to the correct PSAP, and to
help them to be able to respond.
However, video relay service, and also IP Relay
which we have heard mentioned today, do not use a
traditional phone system or the public switched
telephone network. They use IP, Internet Protocol,
or IP networks. With an IP network, each individual
user has what is called an IP address, a unique
identifier for a user on the network. However this
IP address does not pass the type of information
that is passed by ANI or ALI, and oftentimes the IP
address that we use when we use IP networks is
something that is on loan to you. It is what they
call a dynamic IP address; as long as you are using
your Internet connection they give you a particular
address on the network. But if you stop using it
because you have shut down your computer, or your
video conferencing device, or whatever you are
using, then that IP address becomes available in a
pool to other users who might come on to the
network. In the course of a short period of time,
several different people might be using that same IP
address -- but not all at the same time, at
different times. This creates an obstacle.
Some Internet Service Providers, or ISPs, will rent
you an IP address that does not change. This is
also referred to as a static IP address. However,
even when a person does go through the effort to
obtain a static IP address, there are issues because
we have difficulty tying that to a location, a
specific location. But if a person does obtain an
IP address, with registration of the location, we
can do a lot better job of being able to identify
where a person is located.
There are other tools that are available, and
sometimes aiding to identify location on the
Internet, or the IP network. Some of these tools
include what is called geo-IP lookup, where there
are databases that can tell by the IP address what
general area that you might be in. It could be as
large as a state or a region. This tool isn't 100%
reliable. Oftentimes the IP address will code to
the location of the servers for the Internet service
provider rather than where you are physically
located. Even when it is successful in giving us a
general geographical area this, really is not of a
lot of value to the PSAP as we have discussed
earlier. There are often locations where there are
multiple PSAPs servicing a very small geographical
area and they really want to know exactly where you
are at in case there is a disconnect to be able to
send you the help that you have requested.
As a service provider we are always looking for new
tools. Earlier today Steve mentioned that his
company is working on a tool that could aid in
locating users on the IP network. I intend to spend
some time today with Steve during lunch, learning if
that is a tool that we could use to be able to solve
part of this problem. The next area of location
that we have an issue with as providers as been
identified is determining the correct PSAP.
I want to take minute to talk to you about my
history this year. As a provider of video relay
service, we recognize the importance of 9-1-1
calls. We want as much as anything to be able to
provide this service in the most efficient and
effective way possible. This has been a personal
focus of mine this year as I have been trying to
look for solutions. As a product manager, that is
part of what I do. I try to solve problems in our
offering and try to improve it and recognizing its
importance, I have spent a lot of time on this.
I was finding a lot of different companies to talk
to. I was not finding a lot of answers. But I was
finding a lot of people willing to talk to me.
Interestingly enough, the FCC put out their VoIP, or
Voiceover IP ruling, earlier this year, and suddenly
the focus of all of these companies went to trying
to meet the needs of the VoIP providers. I found
them a lot more difficult to talk to after that
order was released.
But that's the down side of it. The good side of it
is that now when I am getting a hold of them they
have a lot better answers for me because they have
been able to find solutions -- or they are working
on solutions to try to meet this November deadline
that the FCC has for the VoIP industry. That is
what is happening; these kinds of solutions that are
coming into play for the VoIP industry will be
leveraged into the relay services, and they will
ultimately help the relay consumers in being able to
find the kind of service that they would like to
have as they attempt to reach 911 services.
As far as locating the correct PSAP, if we are able
to obtain that location either in some dynamic
electronic way or whether it be through realtime
conveying of the address during the relay call, we
have located possible sources that will help us to
be able to determine that correct PSAP. This is
really something that has been a byproduct of the
VoIP efforts that are happening. It is important
that we do find the correct PSAP if we reach a PSAP
for Boston, for a caller who is calling from
Washington D.C., they are not going to be able to
dispatch help to you. They might be able to offer
help to you over the phone, but what you really need
an emergency responder to come to your door.
So these third parties providing solution such as
this PSAP resolution service are going to be a very
vital role in being able to provide the solution to
9-1-1 and relay services. The relay service
providers cannot solve every problem, and it is
important we as an industry recognize the need for
help from outside companies who have expertise and
seek out and obtain that help.
The next piece of the puzzle has to do with being
able to pass location of the relay caller to the
PSAP using this ANI and ALI information so that they
have what they need. That is another big obstacle
for us as relay providers. It is probably a little
less challenging for companies that do the TTY and,
for instance, CapTel which is using the traditional
phone system where they are obtaining that
information. Location is something that has to be
supplied as we relay the call, and again this is
another area that third-party companies are likely
to provide the solutions that will be able to bring
this into play. As this evolves as an industry and
providing emergency services over the IP networks in
general, these solutions will quickly find their way
to the relay services that operate on the IP
Potential Impact of FCC VoIP and 9-1-1 Ruling
As I have already mentioned and others have
mentioned earlier today, there have been a lot of
impacts because of the efforts in the VoIP area.
Many hearing people are beginning to move their
services away from traditional phone lines on to the
IP network in the form of voice over IP or VoIP.
With this service, the same 9-1-1 issues that relay
users are faced with in IP networks have risen their
heads; and the answers are beginning to come. It
seems like some of the dates that have been put out
have been very stretching in trying to find these
solutions, and as Gregg mentioned earlier in his
comments, those dates might need to be extended as
they look to see what solutions are in place. I
think that a lot of progress has been made, and I
also believe that it was important that third
parties get involved in this.
Now, these third parties are not forced to provide
solutions, by any means. It is a business
opportunity for them to provide a solution, and they
are sometimes very expensive to be able to secure.
Over time as the natural competition begins to
happen within these third-party companies providing
solutions, that cost factor will become less of a
factor. The most important thing is that we are
able to get solutions in place, and to begin to use
those and to offer them specifically related to the
9-1-1 area.
As far as finding solutions, it would be wonderful
if tomorrow or better yet today if IP networks found
a way to package ANI and ALI with every IP address -
that would be fantastic! A big help would be if
they somehow made a rule that there could be no more
dynamic IP addresses because then it would lead to
the next solution which would be to have a
registration system where we could easily tie a user
to their IP address, and just like how VoIP users
have the opportunity to register their location
information for emergency services, that same
opportunity could be extended to the users of relay
However, I do not see many of the Internet Service
Providers jumping to do that because it is the right
thing to do. The reason why they have things like
dynamic IP addresses is because of a business
model. It makes more sense for them to be able to
loan out IP addresses as they are needed rather than
to secure one for every person.
Again, I think a lot of the solutions will come
through third-party companies that have specialized
in 9-1-1 solutions. There are many of them out
there. We have heard organizations such as NENA
mentioned today, and involvement with those types of
organizations working together as industry and
consumers is important. The VRS providers have
started a series of meetings where we are coming
together and meeting to try to address issues that
we might be able to get some synergy on. I think
that is an important step.
Someone alluded that there might be a comment period
opening for further comments to the FCC on 9-1-1.
It is important to let your feelings be known, and
hopefully we can find solutions that will ultimately
allow us to provide the type of service providers
want to provide, and that the consumer of relay
services want to be able to have, and ultimately get
it as close to being functionally equivalent as we
can. Our commitment as a provider of video relay
services is to focus on this issue and to do what we
can to provide this solution sooner rather than
Questions and Answers:
Cindy Officer: I am a VRS user both in my home and
in my office. I do not have a regular phone line.
Now, when I apply to receive the equipment for video
relay service, my application asked me my name, my
address and basic information about me so that when
I call and an interpreter shows up the interpreter
knows my name and knows who I am. So why is it that
the location that the PSAPs need, that location
information cannot just be on the screen along with
other information that is available so that they
have that to talk to me?
MIKE MADDIX: We don't have all of the technical
pieces in place. There are obstacles that we are
still facing in being able to provide a 9-1-1
solution, but we are diligently working on those.
First, we need the technology in place. As we get
that technology we likely will offer the opportunity
to users of our video relay service to be able to
register, to be able to use that information for
emergency calls. And that is likely going to be
part of the solution for a long period of time, just
like it is for the voice over IP industry, that the
users when they move their device, register that
they have done so. College students, for instance
live in the dorms during the school year, and they
have their videophone or their webcam or whatever it
is that they use in conjunction with our video relay
service. Then they go for the summer to spend the
summer with their families. Rather than leave their
videophone in the dorm, I suspect that a lot of them
have really grown accustomed to using this great
form of relay, and they take it with them.
Ultimately it is still going to be up to the
consumer to let us know that they have moved. That
is probably going to be through a registration
process. It is likely to be an optional service.
We cannot force people to register, but it is in
their best interest in this case, and I think that
most people will want to do that. So it should be
coming in the future.
Janina Sajka: I am very interested also to join
Steve's table at lunch because I am curious about
the solution. It seems that the IP networks are not
exactly designed to help you with location as we've
talked about. Of course, the good news is that we
do have the ability for additional name space there,
IP 6 is sort of getting there. Maybe we move to it,
maybe we don't. There are also those reasons that
sometimes people use these dynamic addresses as part
of a firewall as part of a security and we can agree
or not agree with that. Perhaps we borrow other
technologies to provide the location information.
Maybe there is an even more compelling reason why we
need to do that. I wonder how long the Cingulars,
the T-Mobiles, the Verizons, the Sprints are going
to continue to maintain best digital cellular
network, and also a data capability to be able to do
wireless communications from your computer, WiFi, or
WiMax, whatever -- it seems like the natural
extension of VoIP is a cordless phone. You plug it
in at home, you want to hit the road, and you take
it with you. Instead of having a cellular phone,
and a phone at home, you have just a phone. Use it
at home, you use it wherever you go. So we can't, I
think, just count on registration where you fill in
your address, here's where I am and now I can get
E-911. That's a band-aid that will take care of us
for a year or two with VoIP. I think ultimately we
need a better solution than that because I don't
think that the technology will stop there.
MIKE MADDIX: There are some that suggested that
global positioning service or GPS might be something
that would work really well with this concept. The
problem with GPS is when you go inside of a building
it does not work anymore. You could use the last
location of where a signal was received, but that
is, again, kind of close but it is really not what
the PSAPs are looking for. I believe that the VRS
is really kind of a young technology, but it is
maturing, in the sense that voice and
telecommunications over the Internet is still an
emerging technology. I can assure you that there
are brilliant engineers in this country that will
solve these problems, and it is just a matter of how
fast it is going to happen.
There are great things that will happen, and it is
going to be wonderful and we hope to be part of the
solution in providing the answers to that that bring
ultimately better service to all people. It is just
going to take a little bit of time. There are
brilliant people in this country that are working on
it, and the fire that has been lit by the FCC is
certainly helping it to get attention.
Audience member: I believe in simplicity. You have
a ID number and so forth, just like a dog has a ID
number. Why can't we have that? Why can't we have
an ID that can be matched up and used? In the PSAP
there is no ID number. So we can have the identity
of where you are. There is a permanent place. So
if I call they know where I am. They know my
location instead of going through all of this
complicated schema. I think that the simple way is
to look if the PSAPs themselves can be identified.
MIKE MADDIX: Sounds good! I think any solution
that gets us there, but I'm not sure which one it
will be. I think that it will involve thinking out
of the box. I believe that probably the real
answers have not been thought of yet, and someone is
going to think of them or dream them up in the
middle of the night and go to work the next day and
do it, and it will be wonderful. Solutions will
come, unfortunately it does take a little bit of
time for that to happen.
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