Emergency Communication and Federal
Paul Singleton
Computer/Electronic Accommodations
Good afternoon, everyone.
I have been with the Department of Defense computer and
electronic accommodations program for approximately
15 years, since before the days of the Internet. I
think that emergency communication with federal
employees is a significant issue that we need to
address, and I am happy to address it here at this
conference with all of you today.
Currently 4,745 deaf and hard-of-hearing employees work for
the Federal Government. That's a large number of
employees which present as challenge to a program
like ours. The CAP program provides free technical
assistance and equipment to all federal employees
with disabilities across the country, as well as
around the world. We provide the equipment to meet
their needs, and that's quite a challenge.
Neither the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 nor the Americans
with Disabilities Act specifically require emergency
preparedness plans. However, they do require equal
access for people with disabilities to the benefit
and privileges of employment. That means that, if
you have an emergency plan in place, it has to be
accessible for employees with disabilities. That
plan must also include input and participation from
employees with disabilities. Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act requires equal access to federal
websites and information resources. Blind visitors
need audio access. Deaf visitors need text access
for emergency information posted on government web
pages. Computers and office equipment used for
alerting and communication must be accessible. The
critical question related to emergency communication
for the Federal Government is that emergency
preparedness information is communicated with the
same frequency and level of detail to all
employees. Is the information on emergency
preparedness on the agency website or Internet easy
to locate and available? And is it in a text
version? We added that text version to make it
available for specific screen reader technologies to
be able to access this version.
Accessibility of agencies’ intranets: Where there is
highly classified security information, intranets
within the federal agencies are used. So
information should also be accessible there.
Emergency preparedness training sessions and meetings
must be in accessible locations. Do we offer text
in Braille? Are copies of the plan placed in
prominent locations throughout the building, exit
signs for example.
Emergency-evacuation and general Shelter in Place
information. You need to know where to go. You
need to know where the shelter is. Is it in the
basement or in another specific place? So that
information is distributed to those who have
frequent visitor identification badges. We often
have contractors or visitors that enter federal
buildings, and that information needs to be made
available to them as well.
Those are the critical questions. There are some
challenges for deaf employees because there are
agencies that have a large number of deaf employees
that work in one building, maybe on one floor. Each
place has to have what we call an OEP, that's an
occupant emergency plan. Each agency needs to
provide a safe workplace for all employees,
including those with disabilities.
It is incumbent upon those managers who oversee
employees with disabilities to be aware of specific
emergency preparedness guidance outlined. So the
manager needs to be aware of the plan and be able to
communicate that plan.
The manager needs to be proactive in discussing these
topics with all of the employees. My manager did
that to me to talk about where we get out, how do we
get out, where do we meet once we get out of the
building? We have face masks in our office. We
were trained on how to use them and how to locate
them. And I was provided that by my manager. At
the same time, people with disabilities must take
responsibility for engaging in emergency
preparedness. So this is important information that
everyone needs to know, and employees with
disabilities are also responsible for getting this
The Office of Personnel Management recommends -- and
they've done this for many years -- a buddy system.
In my department we have a floor monitor, and so I
have a buddy on my floor that talks with me about
what to do in case of an emergency. And we have an
agreement about what to do. The buddy system is
quite common. And we see that throughout the
Federal Government.
Emergency communication using emergency notification
strategies: It's recommended that you use more than
one communication system. The buddy system is fine,
but that's not the be-all, end-all. You need
effective ways of communicating. Some of these
other ways could be two-way radios, personal
messages from the emergency command center, and our
build something on the 8th floor, for all three
buildings for Department of Defense.
Other approaches: Telephone trees, personal
contacts, system manager messages ( messages that
you would get on your computer system at work) fire
alarms, strobe lights, pagers, cell phones, and
handheld devices can be used. Those are also a way
to have communication access in an emergency
situation. Public address systems, PAS, should be
in both audio versions and text.
Do these methods account for those who may be aware
from their desks or the office? I've had a personal
experience approximately one year ago. There was an
anthrax scare in Falls Church, Virginia. My
building is located there. I was there in the
morning up until about noon. I left in the
afternoon for another meeting outside of the
premises, and my building was shut down at 12:30.
Eight hundred employees had to stay there for
The next morning I read in "The Washington Post" that
my building had been shut down. And I thought, oh,
well, am I okay? Do I have something on my clothes
that I now have hung in my closet with all of my
other clothes and now my house is contaminated? So
I sent an e-mail to my supervisor and the command
center. The response was contact your supervisor.
Well, my supervisor was in Los Angeles, California,
at the time, and so it was, you know, obviously not
a good situation.
And then later I found out that it was a scare it was
not a true threat. But I filed a complaint within
my internal system, and the response was
All of the systems managers in the command center
were involved in making a better plan, a better
system. So that's an example of what could happen.
As a result of that, we now have what we call
personal message. It's ReachPlus 4.0. The rating
system for alerts is taken from Homeland Security in
terms of the color coded levels, severe (red), high
(orange), elevated (yellow), guarded (blue), and low
(green). These are ranges, and different people
will get these messages depending on who you are.
For example, if a parking lot is closed down for a
specific reason, you can alert the people that are
affected by that specific area. You can also
control what messages are sent to your employees
explaining a specific situation at hand -- Be it the
parking lot, or this building is shut down so you
need stay away because of contamination. So the
system is flexible.
Best of all is the acknowledgment message that
requires me, if I read the message, to respond
saying that I saw this message and that I then left
the building. Thus the command center will know
that I received the message. And they'll know that
I am okay. If I do not respond, they'll be looking
for me. So that's good.
Some common alerting systems used by the Federal
Government for deaf and hard-of-hearing employees,
that are in place now, are networked emergency
message notification systems such as the one I just
described; agencies use specialized pager systems,
wireless transmitters, and wrist belt buzzers. This
picture on the slide is a pager, and it has a
variety of lights on it that can alert you to
different situations. They are electronic signals
and LCD screens that you see in different places
throughout the building that will alert you to what
is happening, such as an elevator being closed or a
building being shut down.
There are visual fire alarms with strobe lights,
which are required. I've seen a few that did not
have strobe lights that have now been replaced. And
they're also included in all of the restrooms in the
E-mail alerts to pagers are used as well. The e-mail
that I showed you earlier also goes to our pagers.
If my building was shut down I would be notified
that via my two-way pager.
I have worked for the CAP program, as I have
explained, for 15 years providing assistive
technology for all people with disabilities within
the Federal Government. There are 29,000 employees
with disabilities that work for the Federal
Government. 4,750 of which are deaf and
hard-of-hearing. So we provide TTYs, TTY modems,
amplification devices, telephones, captioning on
in-house videotapes, assistive listening devices,
video communication devices, video relay, and all of
these help with the emergencies and communication
For eight years we've provided -- over the last eight
years we've provided 2,261 TTYs, alerting system
signalling devices, amplified phones, and 350 video
communication devices. So it provides better
computer accessibility and telecommunications for
deaf employees.
There are 64 federal agencies that the CAP program is
available for, and we provide the equipment. Now,
this doesn't include building alerting systems,
because there are many federal buildings throughout
the United States, and it's not possible for me to
physically visit all of these buildings and see what
the needs are. The responsibility still lies within
the federal agency occupying the federal building.
And you need to follow the plan, the emergency plan,
for that building and find an individual solution.
Last week we received a new video phone product
that's now out, and I think that it will be a
significant piece of equipment that we'll have to
distribute. This is actually a portable device. So
if you are in a hotel and you have an emergency, you
can plug this into the Internet and make a video
phone call immediately. During times of emergency,
time is of the essence. I show this picture with
this specifically because it has a 5" LCD screen,
and a video cam included in this piece of telephone
equipment. So as we can see technology is always
evolving, and it seems like we're always looking at
what new equipment is out there. This just came out
last week as an example. And so my message is,
please, just keep up with technology. I've seen
some wonderful presenters today that are all
communicating with each other for emergency access
for all officials including federal employees, which
is the group of individuals that I work with.
Most of the information that I've provided is
available in this book, “Preparedness in the
Workplace for Everyone”. This was written by the
Department of Labor for federal employees to help
them prepare for emergency evacuations. This is
available at the table in the back of the room.
This is the first time that I've actually seen it,
so it is available here at the conference to help
you prepare your workplace for individuals with
There are four phases of emergency preparedness for
federal employees. First is development of a plan,
second is implementation – putting it together and
putting it in place, third is practicing the plan,
and fourth is follow-through – getting the opinions
and ideas of those who participated in the plan,
following up with any problems that occurred, and
then fixing them.
We have the Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency
Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities.
This council represents all federal agencies and
outside organizations as well, who have developed
this booklet to help all of you for your workplace
This is my contact information and our web address.
My e-mail address is cap@tma.osd.mil. My personal
e-mail is Paul.Singleton@tma.ods.mil. You can
contact me on video phone, but we do have firewall
issues. I can call out, but I cannot get a call
in. And then our website is WWW.tricare.OSD.MIL/CAP.
Thank you.
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