Activities on
Emergency Notification and Communication
Daniel W.
Officer for Civil
Rights and Civil Liberties
U. S. Department of Homeland Security
I wanted to thank
Gallaudet and Judy Harkins for putting on this conference in
this beautiful place on this critically important issue.
You put this together well before Katrina and Rita and Wilma
and all of the rest of the disasters we experienced this
year. You have certainly hit an issue that was important
way before that, and I think that it's much more obviously
important to people now. I do think that we have an
opportunity now to talk about these issues, and we will have
more open doors than we had before. And it's our
responsibility, I certainly feel, and I hope that others of
you feel as well, over these next few months to walk through
the doors that are opened. Because they'll close again.
People will forget what happened and move on, so we need to
talk about these issues while we can and come up with
concrete solutions.
Katrina: I want to
talk about the impact of this particular hurricane to the
disability community. It's broader than the topic that you
are addressing these two days, but I want to try to address
it as well.
First, demographic
information: We looked at Biloxi, Mississippi and Mobile,
Alabama. In both cities the population of people with
disabilities is about 25% of the total population. We
looked at the city of New Orleans. This is a slide that
just shows the map of the state of Louisiana, and it says
that almost 250,000 residents of the city of New Orleans
describe themselves as disabled according to the 2000
census. That's about 21% of the population of the city.
Let me break that
down just a little bit for you. In New Orleans, almost
25,000 people answered the census stating that they had a
"long-lasting condition of blindness, deafness, or severe
vision or hearing impairment." There were over 100,000
people that had a condition that "substantially limits,"
(they use this terminology because it tracks the Americans
With Disabilities Act) basic physical activity like walking,
climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying. Another
65,000 people are categorized as having some sort of mental
disability, or categorize themselves as having what the
census referred to as a mental disability. And then 55,000
people said that they had some sort of long-lasting
condition that made it difficult for them to dress and bathe
and to get around in their own home.
Let me just go into
more depth on the background. A very interesting poll was
done by people who were in the Astrodome, the Reliance
Center, and other large facilities in Houston. The question
was, "Why didn't you leave when you had the chance to?"
They asked essentially,
"What was the biggest reason you did not leave?" There were
multiple answers, but 37% said “I just didn't want to
leave.” Okay. We understand that. Fine.
Now, 22% said “I was
physically unable to leave.” And 23% said "I had to care
for someone unable to leave." Those two numbers add up to
45% of the people who were sheltered in Houston. They were
there because they could not get out of New Orleans.
I don't know that all
45% would be categorized or would qualify under the
Americans with Disabilities Act as people with disabilities,
but that's telling us the size and scope of this issue, and
in my judgment this really changes the paradigms that we've
been looking at for emergency managers: about 45% of the
people who were there, were there because of disability.
The National
Organization on Disability just published a report. I
really highly commend it to you. It's very well written and
crisp. It's on the Elizabeth Davis Associates table out
there in the lobby exhibit. They studied the situation for
people with disabilities in in shelters. They concluded
that the most underserved group in shelters, were those who
were deaf or hard-of-hearing. According to their research,
Which was based on a representative sample, less than 30% of
the shelters studied had access to American Sign Language
interpreters. Eighty percent didn't have TTYs. I guess
that's probably not a surprise. Sixty percent did not have
TVs with open captioning capabilities. And only 56% had
areas where the oral announcements were posted in visual
form. This meant that the deaf and hard of hearing had no
access to the vital flow of information within shelters.
Let me show you a few
photographs that graphically illustrate the issues that went
on with regard to people with disabilities. (link to
slides) This a photograph probably of a nursing home, folks
who were evacuated into a parking garage; another shows a
man in a wheelchair, an amputee, who obviously is in great
distress; a photograph that appeared in "The Miami Herald"
-- and it's very striking -- of two New Orleans police
officers fully armed looking down at two young men on the
ground, in probably a curfew area, and this is what the
caption of the article says: "New Orleans police officers
force two young men to the ground to find out if they're
armed before allowing them to proceed past the Paris Avenue
exit of I-10. The two men explain that they're deaf and
need to read lips to communicate." I think this is not a
surprise to any of us who dealt with law enforcement in the
deaf community over time. You've seen this situation
This is a photograph
of a Texas game warden carrying the prosthetic legs of an
individual while they try to evacuate people from the Tulane
Hospital; a photograph of a man in a wheelchair waiting at
the local pharmacy to get in to try to get access to
medications; a photograph of a young man who has significant
mobility impairments and had to be carried out of his home.
They're walking through two or three feet of water.
This is one that
probably doesn't need a lot of description, does it? This
is the Houston Astrodome, and it's a handmade sign that says
"Deaf Section." It’s hard to know what to say about that
Claudia Gordon from
my office took the next two photos when she was in Baton
Rouge. As you know, they’re creating new mobile-home or
manufactured-housing communities to house people for the
next number of months before they can hopefully get back to
their real, permanent homes. This photo shows a
manufactured home that was put up, and Claudia was able to
work with them to recognize that there were people who were
in wheelchairs who had to get into some of these homes --
and this wasn't going to work.
Because we did not
have in place in the pipeline manufactured housing that is
accessible, they had to hire three guys who had to
stick-build an enormous ramp, taking quite some time and
certainly quite a bit of expense. But here is the good
news: I think that there were six families able to use the
housing when the Baton Rouge center closed -- five that went
in to this community, and another that went in another
Although this was
good news, it also illustrates one of the challenges that we
There's a lot of hope
in this picture: It shows a 105-year-old woman in a
wheelchair being evacuated from the convention center in New
Orleans holding hands with a young girl five years old as
they walk out. It also reminds us of a lot of the problems
that we saw in those days. You can see the police officers
in the back with rifles, and these are things that shouldn't
have happened and totally, again, blew the paradigm that
emergency managers I think had about this security issue.
They were just inexplicable and really affected the way that
they were able to proceed.
The final picture is
the worst-case scenario. These are a picture of a man and
wife who owned a nursing home who have been indicted for
negligent homicide. Thirty-four people died in their
nursing home. I am not sure of the facts. But this
newspaper article said that they didn't evacuate them from
their nursing home, and this is the worst-case scenario.
Let me step back just
a little bit. In July 2004, well before all of this
happened, President Bush signed an executive order which
created for the first time a mechanism for all of us in the
Federal Government who work on these issues to be
coordinated, and work together. The executive order lays
out a broad policy statement that people with disabilities
must be integrated into the emergency preparedness and
planning process in the Federal Government. You can pick up
a copy of the executive order on the table that the
Department of Homeland Security is sponsoring out in the
lobby. We have a report from The Interagency Council and
you can read it there. The Secretary of Homeland Security,
formerly Secretary Ridge, and now Secretary Chertoff, chairs
the Council, and I work with the Council on a day-to-day
The Council
recognized that we had seven or eight areas of work we
needed to focus on. This chart lays out the different areas
that we identified that we needed to work on. Some are in
the area of research. I know that Steve Tingus, director of
NIDRR, is going to talk about research after my remarks. He
is leading up that work that we're doing. Another group is
working on the issues involved in evacuation from the
workplace. And that group has produced a report which is,
on our table out in the lobby. If you wanted to give your
building manager an idea of what should they be thinking
about -- most building managers don't know anything about
these issues -- here is a report that you can at least give
them to help them to start thinking, a template of questions
that they could ask. And that group will continue its work.
There is a group
within the Council working on transportation issues, and
another on health and social service issues which have been
so prominent in Katrina. And a variety of others. Let me
focus on one which is relevant to you, which is emergency
communications. We developed a group that just focused on
the communication issues that might come in times of
emergencies. Basically, what they do is develop policies
and programs regarding the emergency communication needs of
individuals with disabilities before, during, and after an
emergency. This group is chaired by the FCC; Cheryl King of
the FCC is our driving force there, but at least 12 other
federal agencies also participate. I tried to add up all of
the people that participate there; it's a wide participation
in this group. So this is a really great way for us to in a
federal government coordinated way to address some of these
Just a couple of
things that the emergency communications members were able
to do, that the FCC particularly did, were some enforcement
actions which were notable. The FCC had six notices of
apparent liability for forfeiture in this past year, for
failure to provide visual forms of emergency information on
television. Please find Cheryl in the hallway, and she will
tell you more about the details of that. The other thing
that they worked on was the priority restoration status for
telecommunications relay service providers. As I understand
it, and I am not an expert in this, but basically if the
phone systems all go down after a 9/11, certain people are
able to be restored more quickly. There is a priority
listing, and the relay services are now in the priority
So these are great
first steps from this group. I wanted to tell you what
we've done in the context of Katrina, and then finish and
see if people have questions.
When Katrina hit, we
realized that we really needed to create a ninth group on
the Interagency Council, which we've called an incident
management group. This group met on a daily or
every-other-day basis, usually by telephone, to talk as
federal agencies about what problems we saw in the past 24
hours that somebody has got to solve.
We also got on the
phone in large conference calls with as many as 100 lines
opened to people from the affected region, disability
service providers, who could call in and give their cries
for help. We need this. We need that. And then some of us
in the Federal Government will say, I will take that one.
You take that one. We tried to split it up.
This council gives us
the capacity to give advice to the Secretary of Homeland
Security, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and
others. We have a mechanism in place and we were able to
communicate directly with them. One of the things that
Secretary Chertoff directed us to do is send a
subject-matter expert to the joint field office in Baton
Rouge and in Austin. Cheryl King of the FCC went to Austin,
and Claudia Gordon of DHS went to Baton Rouge. They both
have been gone for months. I haven't seen either of them
for about a month. We've been talking on a daily basis or
exchanging e-mails regularly, but they've both been on the
ground and just having somebody right there in the meetings,
seeing what's going on has been so helpful. And it's clear
to us it's something that needs to be put in place on a
permanent basis.
I have five or six
slides of things that we've done. I won't read them all,
but just pick out a few of them. The FCC issued reminders
to local TV stations early on. I can't remember when it
was. Within a week or so after Katrina hit. It was about
the need to provide closed captions, or ASL interpretations
during emergency programming. They issued a public notice
on that.
We were able to
facilitate the delivery of durable medical equipment. There
were websites that were put up, FEMA websites and others
that were supposed to help facilitate the movement of
durable medical equipment or donations and other things.
And we were able, with our Section 508 team at our
department, to make those accessible.
As I said, we had
regular telephone conferences with the disability community
in the region to identify problems that they were having and
tried to come up with solutions. One of the significant
things that we've done more recently in the last few weeks
is to put an architect who specializes in accessibility
issue on the ground. This is a Department of Justice
architect that HUD identified. So it was coordinated work
that we would not have been able to do by ourselves.
Claudia spent several days with him as he went through and
looked at the manufactured housing.
DOJ and HUD were able
to alert FEMA that their specs on manufactured housing did
not meet accessibility codes. The architect was able to
provide them with revised specs so that they could put them
into the pipeline now, and they can inform vendors, "Okay,
XYZ Corporation, now build them this way" -- which is how
the system works. We're starting to see accessible housing
flow through the pipeline.
One of major steps we
have taken, and that we need to do a whole lot more with, is
establishing really strong relationships with the Red
Cross. The Red Cross has been very, very receptive to
working with us, and wants to work with us in the long
term. But, again, we need to work on that that more. They
run essentially all of the shelters. They have huge
portions of a disaster situation that they take care of, and
we need to be responsible for improving that relationship.
President Bush, in
his nationally-televised speech in New Orleans, said that
we're going to review the 50 or so major urban areas and
look at their evacuation planning and make sure that we
don't have a repeat of this situation. That project will
take a year to work through all of those. Secretary
Chertoff directed that we get somebody on the teams to make
sure that they deal with the disability community in these
urban areas. I think that's a significant hopefully
long-term step that will make a lot of difference.
The last slide is
just some ideas of where you can get more information about
us. We're trying to collect information in a resource
center. You can basically find it at, or go to our
table in the lobby, and we're happy to give you a copy of
our reports.
Let me just say that
when I have done these events, I typically take a pen and a
piece of paper because I am trying to take good notes
because there aren't good answers to a lot of what you are
going to say. But we're trying to figure out how to solve
problems. So I will take notes again you will notice.
>> Audience member:
Dan, could you talk more about your work with the Red
Cross? How is that developing in terms of shelters and in
terms of planning?
The Red Cross -- the Red Cross just like FEMA does not have
an office of disability services, or an office -- a group of
people who are specialists in this area. So they're very
open to working with us. They've invited us over two
different times and I've done this presentation or something
similar to it to two different groups of executives from Red
Cross. They've also invited us into a conference, and
they're trying to get us into the mainstream of everything
that's going on post-Katrina. So they've invited us, and
we've sent people to participate in a large conference they
just had.
We've given them some
proposed guidance. They issue guidance documents just like
the government agency does to shelters about how they're
supposed to operate. We've given them proposed guidance for
how to deal with the disability community, people in
shelters. So we have a lot of different areas where we can
work together. As I said, they're very enthusiastic.
>> Audience member:
Dan, Jim Carr from EPA. Is there any reason we can't invite
the Red Cross represents to the ICC meetings?
SUTHERLAND: They'll be there.
>> Audience member:
Earlier we heard from a number of speakers talking about the
importance of telecommunications and providing emergency
response. Back in the old days before there was competition
in the marketplace for telecommunications, you could rely on
what was then the only company to be sure that there was
power provided for telephone service and that sort of
thing. They used to have standard operating procedure to
have a week or two of fuel to keep the phones running. That
is not the case anymore, particularly with companies --
cable companies, for example. They have an entirely
different philosophy, and they were built at a very
different time. And so one of the things that will need to
be sort of reconsidered relative to telecommunications for
anybody, but including people with disabilities, is the kind
of plans and programs that are in place for those
telecommunications companies that are the channel for
providing important information.
SUTHERLAND: Judy asked me two questions in an e-mail, so
can I answer those?
The first question
was, "Were emergency evacuations ordered captioned or
interpreted?" And as I said, the FCC -- I mean, that is a
standard protocol, but the FCC issued public notices to
remind the television stations of their obligations in this
area. Now, was there compliance in the area? I couldn't
really tell you. I would guess that it was spotty in my
experience. I would see occasionally there was an
interpreter. So the compliance is another question, and we
would certainly -- I am speaking on behalf of the council --
really be interested in feedback in that area. The FCC is
in sort of a difficult position. They respond to complaints
that are filed with them. So my understanding is that there
have been no complaints filed at this time is that right,
Cheryl? We're not sure. We're not aware of any complaints
that are filed on that issue at this point. But feedback to
FCC or to us on the council would be great. I think that it
would be very useful.
The second -- Judy
asked me all of these difficult questions so I have to
answer the hard questions here. Not hard questions, but
questions that don't have good answers.
She asked, "Are there or
were there strategies for arranging interpreters in
shelters?" Well, you saw the one photograph of the way that
they dealt with that in one of the stadiums. Just put up a
sign that said, "Deaf." I don't know what that means.
So the answer is are
there strategies? I can give you the political answer, and
I can give you the truth, and I presume you answer the
truth. No there were no strategies. We could try to
whitewash it or make it look better, but, no, no
strategies. Shelters were run -- from all that I've learned
over the last several weeks -- shelters are not run by an
entity. The Red Cross directs some shelters, and others
just show up in churches, community centers, or whatever.
In other words, there is no central body. No shelters are
run by the Red Cross -- shelters are run by Red Cross
volunteers. We have a large issue with shelters and how to
improve that but that's one of the issues that we're working
The Red Cross would
like for it to be better. We have strategies to propose.
We're working with the Red Cross on them. But, no, there
were no strategies, and the NOD report demonstrated that
from their sampling.
I would be glad to answer questions. And we do have
people from our office who are here and would love to talk
to you over the next couple of days as well. And I really
appreciate the chance to talk with you about these issues
and learn with you, hopefully.
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