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Extension of Time for Comments on TCPA
To: Consumer Contact List
From: Karen Peltz Strauss
Re: Extension of time for comments due on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
Date: November 20, 2002

In a prior e-mail, I sent you all information about a new FCC proceeding on protecting consumers from unsolicited telephone advertising. This was raised as well at the recent CDTAC meeting, where a few individuals from the disability community brought up concerns about how this will affect people with disabilities. Attached is a notice extending the time for filing comments on this proceeding. The new deadlines are December 9, 2002 for comments and January 8, 2002 for replies. Below is the summary contained in my original e-mail to you on this topic.

Telephone Consumer Protection Act: This Act, known as TCPA, was enacted in 1991 to protect consumers from unrestricted and unsolicited telephone advertising. In this new notice of proposed rulemaking, the FCC is seeking comment on whether to revise its rules that implement the TCPA. Among other things, the FCC is seeking comment on its rules concerning unwanted telephone solicitations, the use of automatic dialing systems, and company-specific do-not-call lists. When a company receives a request from a consumer to be put on its do-not-call list, it is no longer permitted to contact that consumer for many years. In paragraphs 14 and 17 of the attached NPRM, the Commission is specifically seeking comment on the extent to which people with disabilities have the opportunity to put their names on these lists and the extent to which people with hearing and speech disabilities are able to convey requests to telemarketers that they want to be on those lists. This item has not been published in the federal register; thus, comment and reply comment dates have not yet been set:

IN THE MATTER OF RULES AND REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE TELEPHONE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT OF 1991. FCC seeks comments on updating telemarketing rules. My Memorandum Opinion and Order. (Dkt No. 92-90, 02-278). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 09/12/2002 by NPRM. (FCC No. 02-250). CGB, WCB.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on TCPA Extension

This page last updated:December 10, 2002

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