Captioning Exemptions; HAC Exemptions; IP captioned telephone; CGB Biennial Review
To: |
Consumer Contact List |
From: |
Karen Peltz Strauss |
Re: |
Captioning Exemptions, HAC Exemptions; IP captioned telephone, CGB Biennial Review |
Date: |
February 22, 2007 |
1. Captioning Exemptions. During the fall of 2006, the FCC granted and then retracted hundreds of exemptions from its closed captioning rules. Comments on 494 of the petitions that led to these exemptions are due on March 27, 2007. For more information on how to comment, visit the National Association of the Deaf's blog at, and scroll down to Closed Captioning Update.
2. Hearing Aid Compatibility Exemption Sought. The FCC is seeking comments on a request for a ruling by Hand Held Products that its mobile computing line of devices is not subject to the hearing aid compatibility requirements. Comments are due by February 26 and replies are due on March 13, 2007.
Released: 01/18/2007. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON REQUEST FILED BY HAND HELD PRODUCTS IN HEARING AID COMPATIBILITY DOCKET. (DA No. 07-103). (Dkt No 01-309). Comments Due: 02/26/2007. Reply Comments Due: 03/13/2007. WTB. Contact:
Christina Clearwater or Peter Trachtenberg at (202) 418-1310
3. IP Captioned Telephone Declaratory Ruling. On January 11, 2007, the FCC released a ruling approving an Internet version of captioned telephone relay services. The ruling was published in the Federal Register on February 14th and becomes effective on April 16, 2007. See the summary for more information about this order.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICES AND SPEECH-TO-SPEECH SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HEARING AND SPEECH DISABILITIES/INTERNET-BASED CAPTIONED TELEPHONE SERVICES. Adopted a Declaratory Ruling in this proceeding. Granted the petition to amend. Granted the Ultratec petition to clarify. (Dkt No. 03-123). Action by: the Commission.
Adopted: 12/20/2006 by Declaratory Ruling. (FCC No. 06-182). CGB
4. CGB Biennial Regulatory Review. Every two years, the FCC's bureaus review their regulations to determine the need to revoke or eliminate any that may no longer be necessary. Specifically, rules may be revoked if they are "no longer necessary in the public interest as the result of meaningful economic competition." On February 15, 2007, the FCC released these regulatory review reports. The one from CGB, which addresses telecommunications relay services, Section 255 and hearing aid compatibility, is linked below. No recommendations are suggested for any changes to these rules.
2006 BIENNIAL REGULATORY REVIEW, CONSUMER & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU STAFF REPORT. Issued Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau 2006 Biennial Regulatory Review Staff Report. (Dkt No. 06-152). Action by: Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau by REPORT. (DA No. 07-672). CGB
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