E-911 Stakeholders' Council
Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. (TDI)took the initiative, along with NorCal Center on Deafness
(Sacramento, CA) and Gallaudet University toinvite representatives of the public safety sector, industry,government,
consumergroups and other stakeholdersto participate inthe E-911 StakeholderCouncil to review current issues in E-911 access and
services, and to recommend a plan of action to address and fulfill its potential capacity in public safety and emergency
preparedness for people who are deaf and hard of hearing across America.
The Council reviewedcurrent and future consumer needs, existinggovernment policy, challenges and limited resourcesfor public
safety officials and the business community, emerging technologies, andthe wider range of emergencies that affect the daily
lives of consumers who are deaf and hard of hearing, and their community network. The goal is to ensure that in the future
people who are deaf or hard of hearing have ease of access to 9-1-1 services directly, using updated technologies, and through
all approved forms of telecommunications relay services. Ithas becomeclearin recent monthsthat there needs to be put in placea
more currentnational policy on accessible E-911 services for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.
May 9, 2006 Meeting, Gallaudet University
Meeting Agenda
Strategic Goals and Issues
Listed below are slide presentations presented at the meeting.
NENA and Video/IP Relay: Now & Future
Patrick Halley, Government Affairs Director
Next Generation 9-1-1
Jenny Hansen, Contractor, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Recommendations made to the Network Reliability and Interoperability
Judy Harkins, Gallaudet University
July 2, 2006,
NAD 48th Biennial Conference,
Palm Desert, California
Welcome and Introduction
Sheri Farinha Mutti, NorCal Center on Deafness
E-911 Panel: An Historical Perspective
Karen Peltz Strauss, KPS Consulting
9-1-1 and the Next Generation
Jenny Hansen, Contractor, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NENA and Video/IP Relay: Now and Future
Richard Ray, NENA ADA Committee Chair & Toni Dunne, NENA Southeast Region Vice President
"Pager" Access to 9-1-1: Weighing Short-term and Long-term Solutions
Judy Harkins, Gallaudet University
Sorenson VRS 911 Call Handling
Ron Burdett, Sorenson Communications
This page last updated:May 23, 2006
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